Merlin’s 2010 Road Trip

M Sleeping

On a humid August day, Tommy’s truck was packed to the max with boxes. My new PT Cruiser held my wardrobe among other belongings and was hitched to the truck. Merlin a.k.a., “The Bruiser”, was in a cranky mood as I put him in the cat carrier. My father and stepmother were at my apartment in Rockaway, NJ to send me off on my eleven hour drive to my new home in Morehead City, NC.
I secured my Parakeet, Birdy Bird, in the truck. Tommy had a special spot for Merlin on top of the boxes in the middle and right behind us, so he could look out the windows. I was homesick already and nervous about how my fur and feather children would be on this long drive. To make matters worse, read the rest at Cat’s Stories

