Pet Grief ~ Rock On Birdy Bird

IMG_20151230_182953678My parakeet, Birdy Bird, passed last Saturday and to help with the grief process I wrote a blog about it. Birdy Bird and pet grief was the topic for this week The Love Channel Show. Pet Grief is something that millions of pet owners go through; and is a necessary and normal experience. My hope is my show and blog below will help your pet grief process.


Rock on Birdy Bird

Birdy Bird has been a part of my life since October 2008 before he passed on March 19, 2016. I got my first parakeet less than two weeks after my cat, Midnite, crossed to the other side.  Birdy Bird was my rebound from the death of Midnite to help ease my grief. I knew it was unfair to get another kitty right away and got a parakeet instead. 

Poor Birdy Bird! I was still mourning Midnite and would burst out in tears. A couple of days after my purchase of the bird, it really hit me how I used Birdy Bird to get over Midnite. I thought about giving him to a friend’s daughter that loved parakeets; that night I asked God to give me a solution of what to do with my bird. Here is what I dreamed that night:

Read the rest at Pamela’s Dream Blog

Love Channel Show

This show includes the blog Rock on Birdy and from Psych Central the article Grieving the Loss of a Pet by Julie Axelrod . Click to listen to the show




Merlin’s 2010 Road Trip

M Sleeping

On a humid August day, Tommy’s truck was packed to the max with boxes. My new PT Cruiser held my wardrobe among other belongings and was hitched to the truck. Merlin a.k.a., “The Bruiser”, was in a cranky mood as I put him in the cat carrier. My father and stepmother were at my apartment in Rockaway, NJ to send me off on my eleven hour drive to my new home in Morehead City, NC.
I secured my Parakeet, Birdy Bird, in the truck. Tommy had a special spot for Merlin on top of the boxes in the middle and right behind us, so he could look out the windows. I was homesick already and nervous about how my fur and feather children would be on this long drive. To make matters worse, read the rest at Cat’s Stories



It’s Doggie Time on The Love Channel Show

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Join my guest, Karen Palmer,  this Tuesday 8pm ET on “Doggie Relationships”

To learn more The Love Channel Show

The following is a blog from Karen Palmer:

Lessons on Unconditional Love from a beautiful puppy named Annie

Life Lessons Learned from a pup named Annie

One day I was out walking one of the dogs I care for and met an older man named Gene with a beautiful 6 month old Yorkshire terrier named Annie. Annie had not been trained on a leash and she was tangling her lead around her owner.

He was such a nice man I really enjoyed talking with him. I gave him my card and told him I could help with training his puppy if he would like. He said he would talk to his wife about it and get back to me. His wife Diane called me back that afternoon and we met so I could assess how much training Annie would require.

When I arrived at the house, Annie was jumping, barking, and nipping. I explained that I train with the dog one on one first for the week to establish a loving leadership role. In the next week I begin to share my techniques with the owners. I brought Kaylee in to help Annie with her over excitement. I explained to Gene and Diane that Kaylee is my partner and she shows the puppies how to behave.

Read more at Positively Pets and Kids

Karen Palmer




How to be Happy? The Second F is Fun


This is part two of How to be Happy? Use the Three F’s.

Life is like a rose, beautiful, sweet smelling, and at times those thorns can really hurt.  Fun helps make life worth living through the good and bad times. This may sound strange but there are some people that do not know how to have fun. Maybe, they constantly think negatively or are too serious. We can’t be serious all the time nor can we have fun constantly. There needs to be a balance.

How does fun help your love life?

Do you remember a time when you were around an unhappy person? Were they negative, critical, or boring? I bet after that encounter you were drained, and perhaps, feeling down. Were you in a hurry to see them again? Most likely, you were not.
People like being around a fun person because their positive energy makes them feel good! Fun people laugh a lot and laughter is contagious. These are the people that most of society wants to be around. Best of all, your mate or a potential love will find you much more attractive and irresistible.

Read the rest at YourTango



2nd blog

In March of 2012 I started getting a craving for another cat. I also thought that it would be good for Merlin to have a companion. He was so needy at times, especially during my deadlines. Maybe it would calm Merlin, aka “The Bruiser,” down?

One of my sister’s employees at her pizzeria had found a cat who had just had kittens. I made arrangements to see them a few days later. Some of the kittens had been adopted out, so there was only one girl and the rest were boys. I intuitively knew that Merlin would do better with a girl because he would still be the alpha cat. But someone else was also interested in the girl kitten.

That night before sleeping, I was thinking what would I name a boy cat, nothing was really coming. Then I thought to myself “What would I name a girl cat?” A second later my guides played the Stevie Nicks song, “Rhiannon rings like a bell thru the night and  wouldn’t you love to love her.”  That’s right, the Musical Psychic guides gave a message to her!

The next day I brought Birdy Bird to the vet because he is a lazy boy about trimming his beak. I have since learned how to do it myself. I mentioned to them that I was going to see some kittens so I could adopt one. They responded, we have cats. I checked out a couple. I really liked one male but knew Merlin would have issues with him. When I was waiting in the room for the vet, they brought in a seven- month-old, girl kitten. Ah! She looks just like Midnite. She stayed very still in my arms as she watched Birdy Bird. Birdy Bird seemed OK with it.

Her name was Aggie (not my cat!) and they even held her for a few weeks when I went to Switzerland. For more information  on that trip see my blog .  When I landed in Charlotte, NC from Newark, I had to walk twenty miles to get to the terminal to my flight to Jacksonville, NC. OK, maybe it wasn’t twenty miles, but it was far! When I walked into the terminal area, I smiled as I heard, “Rhiannon rings like a bell….” Yuppers, Mamma was coming home to her baby.

Merlin was not a happy camper at first. He even gave me a loud meow when I told him that I got her for you. Luckily, the adjustment period happened quickly, although they still get jealous of one another. Merlin plays very rough but she can hold her own. Rhiannon even has given him some scratch marks on his face. I lost track of how many times I have been awoken when she runs to me for safety. One time while running for safety, she caught her claw up my nostril, owww! Occasionally they fight on the bed, which is not a fun way to wake up. And no I can’t close the door, my second floor is an open loft.

Rhiannon is my Ying and Merlin is my Yang. Rhiannon is a Southern girl, has black fur (two white spots), weighs seven pounds, and very gentle. Merlin is a Jersey Boy, all white, weighs fourteen pounds and is, well you know, “The Bruiser.”  Merlin has some human qualities and Rhiannon is all cat. The Lightweight will only let you hold her for a minute tops, The Heavyweight wants you to hold him for a minimum of five minutes. Merlin loves to pose for pictures, I had a tough time getting photos of her for this blog.

Rhiannon is so sweet and girly. She even plays gentle. She loves to sleep on my lap and puts her head on my hand. The princess is not happy that I have the audacity to move my hand when it falls asleep. Her Southern Girl sweetness can be so manipulative and controlling. Bless her heart!  To see more pictures of how Rhiannon and her partner in crime boss me around visit this link  

I promised my boyfriend that I would not get any more pets until I grow a third arm and hand. He, he, he, but he has two hands!  Mmmm, I wonder what they could be?

for blog

The Bruiser

Sweet Bruiser

Nine months after Midnite passed away, I got the worse craving for another cat. A friend of mine offered me a kitten and I rushed over. By the time I got there, her husband had gotten attached to it. When I meet the kitten it just made my cravings worse.

A couple of weeks later, I went into PetSmart to check out the cats. At first none of them appealed to me. I went around the corner and I saw a ball of white fur in a cage. I asked the lady if I could hold the kitten. I held this bundle of fur. The kitten purred as I cradled him in both arms, then climbed up me, and proceeded to lick my face like a dog. He climbed back down to the original position, purred, climbed back up, and licked, licked, licked my face. Be still my heart, I fell in love with this kitten!

I felt it was a sign that the lady in charge of the adoption name was Judy, because that was my Mother’s name. I got the forms to fill out to be approved for adopting the kitten, Snowball. I went outside and looked over the forms. I needed a reference from a friend and a vet’s name, not a problem. Uh oh, I needed my landlady’s approval. I closed my eyes and spoke to my guide Merlin. I told him that I really wanted this kitten, that I would give it lots of love, and would name it after him. The rest is history, Snowball became Merlin.

Merlin was a very intelligent and hyper kitten. I nicknamed him “The Bruiser” because he destroyed many toys, a lampshade, shower curtain, and comforter. He plays very rough, has a bad temper, and has attacked me. That summer during the bare leg season, one of his scratch marks would heal on my legs, only to immediately replace with another.

The reason I didn’t murder Merlin or toss him out onto the road from a speeding car is, besides being so cute, he is so lovable. He would climb on me and plop himself down for lovey dovey time. Merlin loves to be held as I walk around and he touches objects. His favorite place to be held is the closet, he loves the closet. Check out this Pinterest board   Yes, at fourteen pounds he gives my arms quite a workout.

One of my friends calls him “Puppy Dog” because he is so friendly. If you enter my home, be prepared to not only pet him but to carry his Highness around. When there was a major leak in my place, he was very pleased because three workmen came to visit him. He was having a ball, whacking them on the head as they climbed up and down the spiral stairs!

Merlin’s proud Mommy could tell stories about him forever. What is really interesting is I had readings from three different psychics who didn’t know each other tell me the following:

  1. Merlin is very special and that his name suits him.
  2. He wanted to come back as a human in this lifetime.
  3. He is a freakish man.

When I was hosting the Spiritual Learning Connection, Coryelle Kramer, an Animal Communicator, was a guest on one of the radio shows. Merlin would not leave me alone and insisted that I hold him about ten minutes into the show. Coryelle knew he wanted to give me a message. He wanted me to meditate more with him. What was really interesting is when she told me that he practiced herbalogy and alchemy when he was human! My Merlin really is a wizard!

A special message from Merlin, “I got my eye on a five level condo at PetSmart, so take advantage of my Mommy’s eBook sale that ends this Sunday and it smells so yummy!”

kitty sampling book


Birdy Bird

Birdy Bird

When Midnite died in October of 2008, I was heart broken. I knew it would be unfair to adopt another cat because it would be a replacement to compare to Midnite. I thought about getting a guinea pig because I had one before, but that didn’t feel right. I went to Borders bookstore to do research on different types of animals and visited a couple of pet stores.

So two weeks after Midnite’s death I got a pet I never had before, a parakeet.  In the car I was trying to decide what to name the bird, when my guides said Birdy Bird. I know it is such a unique and mature name! But at the time it felt right. I used to call Midnite Baby Baby, and it had the same rhythm.

A day or two later I was grieving Midnite very badly, it became very apparent that Birdy Bird was a total rebound to make me feel better. Which of course it didn’t. I needed to go through the grief process. I thought to myself that maybe I would give the parakeet to my friend’s daughter because I knew she had one as a pet before and would know how to take care of it. I asked God that night to give me a message in a dream about what I should do with Birdy Bird.

That night in my dream there were hundreds of these funky, unusual looking blue birds on the ground. At one point they all took off into the sky and flew away. Except for one, who told me it wanted to stay with me. The next morning I had my answer and knew Birdy Bird was mine.

I intuitively knew not to let him out of his cage because there was a cat in my future. I know some people think that is cruel; but that is how he grew up and is used to it. He now is on top of a tall bookshelf so my two little hoodlums kitties cannot get him.

Birdy Bird is a joyful bird who loves music and singing. As my father said, “That bird sure has a pair of lungs on him.” He is famous on Psychic Gone Wild radio show for his singing. Yup, he is a ham and show off. On one show he was singing, and singing, and singing through out the entire show. My co-host Kelly was cracking up about it. The minute I got off the air he got quiet! Luckily, he doesn’t do that all the time.

I wish I could understand my parakeet’s language. But we do communicate. My boyfriend was a non-believer until one day when we were getting ready to go to lunch. The Beatles is one of Birdy Bird’s favorite bands, especially their earlier music. At the time “Mr. Nonstop Singer” was quiet, I said to him, “Birdy Bird, do you want me to put the Beatles on for you?” He did one quick tweet. The look on my BF’s face was priceless!

So who is your bird’s favorite band?

Catch Birdy Bird’s new radio show, The Love Channel Show, on Tuesday’s Night at 8pm ET.

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