So Long “The Love Channel Show”

October 26, 2016 is the Last Radio Show

love-channel-showMany different feelings came up when I decided to end my radio show, which I have been doing since July of 2012. My decision was NOT because of issues with Rev. Tiffany White owner of Goldylocks Production. Instead, this was what held me back for months because I just love Tiffany and will miss our weekly messaging during the show. By the way, if you’re looking for someone to host your radio show, I highly recommend Goldylocks Production.

Back in 2012, I started hosting my radio show with Psychics Gone Wild and for six months or so I did another educational show for them before they dropped the second network. During my time with Psychics Gone Wild, I attempted to do a show with Hey Z Radio. And I mean attempted! You see, to broadcast shows with them, I had to run their complicated switchboard on my computer; I would be a nervous wreck trying to run the switchboard and host a show. Blogtalk Radio has their switchboard on their website and is very easy to do; therefore, I ran another show by myself there. Eventually my Angels and Guides guided me to leave Psychics Gone Wild and a few months later pushed me towards True Psychic Network. I continued to do two shows for a while longer; eventually I got tired of doing everything by myself and stopped my own show. True Psychic Network folded, I followed Tiffany to her own production company, and I have been there for over a year. Whew, that’s some radio show history!

Here are the pros of doing radio:

  • Interviewing interesting guests.
  • Educating my listeners.
  • Choosing topics that I’m passionate about.
  • Meeting quality radio show callers.
  • Learning from my guests and callers.
  • Improving my speaking skills.
  • Marketing my business in an educational way.
  • Lastly, my shows are archived to be listened to again and again.

Here are the cons of doing radio:

  • A guest that barely talks during an interview.
  • The guest who takes over my show and I can’t get a word in.
  • Guests who are a no show, thankfully that only happened once.
  • A caller (not a guest) who tries to hijack the radio show or promotes their business. Really? Don’t expect to be a guest on my show ever!
  • Psychic whores who call as many shows as possible on Blogtalk Radio for free readings. This is the reason I allow only one question from a caller per show.
  • Guests who are difficult about giving me their information – doesn’t email it in, tells me to take it off their website, sends me a very long bio when I asked for one paragraph, and I even wrote a bio for a guest who didn’t have one because they were afraid to write it.
  • Blogtalk Radio moments are what we call technical difficulties which happens occasionally; especially around Mercury Retrograde. Once I was running the switchboard while hosting a show and they dropped my phone line. Luckily, my guest knew what was going on and covered for me until I was able to get back on the show.

Would you like to know why I am ending my show? Honestly, I am burnt out on it. Now, I understand how TV stars feel when they are doing the same role on a show for years; they love it, but get bored of doing it over and over. When you let go of the old, it allows the new to come in. I’m excited to see what God has in store for me! You can listen to my last four shows (I’m taking  October 5th off) at The Love Channel Show on Goldylocks Production.

The Love Channel: We Broke Up! Will My Ex and I Get Back Together?

The Love ChannelQuestion:

Dear Pamela:

I am going through a bad break up and would like to know if we will get back together?


Hi Beth:

I’m hearing the song “Upside Down” by Dianna Ross as I get a vision of a hamster on a wheel. I also am seeing a revolving door that keeps going around and around. My guides guided me to pull a tarot card and I pulled The Hermit card.  After pulling this card my guides said, “Nothing ever changes.” Now, I’m seeing a coach doing a time out sign.

To answer your initial questions, yes I see an opportunity for your mate wanting to come back. Honestly, I can’t get if your mate is a man or woman, what I feel is masculine energy. This is the second time I got a vision of a time out sign. What’s interesting is the coach has meaning too, which I will explain later. Let me explain everything that I have gotten so far. Your partner ~ Read the rest at Bellesprit Magazine

Why You Must Have Boundaries


What a fabulous time Loran Poole and I during the recording of this twenty minute show packed with life changing knowledge on healthy boundaries. Loran brings boundary wisdom from Ireland and I bring information from the States to help you achieve the love life you deserve!

Direct Links

The Love Channel: Here’s How to Find Love of a Lifetime!

The Love Channel

Are you waiting for that one true love? Read on as Pamela gives you the tools in how to find them…


Dear Pamela:

When am I going to meet someone?

Singles Around the Globe

Dear Readers:

I hear this question all the time from my clients, submissions to this column, and callers on my radio show The Love Channel Show. We humans are designed to have the instinct to find that special someone!  My guides added, “It’s in your DNA, your genes.” Of course, there are people who have been so badly wounded that deny their desire for love out of fear of being hurt again. The exception to this rule are humans who are badly damaged, such as psychopaths. ~ Read the rest at Bellesprit Magazine

The Love Channel: God Has a Better Plan than Your Expectation of ‘The Right One’

The Love Channel


Dear Pamela:

Will I meet someone this year that I can build a relationship and grow old with? A man with a moral compass, to attend church with, and with a sense of humor. Preferably, he would be military retired.


Dear Suzanna:

I heard. “Open your heart and receive.” I am seeing a book and my guides said, “Don’t judge a book by its cover.” They just played Bad Company’s song, “Ready for love.” You are definitely ready for love, been ready! Although your fear is stopping it, and my guides added to set your fear FREE…

Suzanna, I’m getting ~ Read rest at Bellesprit Magazine

The Love Channel: Unlucky in Love

The Love Channel


Dear Pamela:

Why am I so unlucky in love? Why can’t I find a good man who is gonna stay with me for the rest of my life?


Dear Meredith:

When I read your question I heard, “Millions of singles looking for love,” to the tune of John Mellencamp’s song ‘Check it Out.’ The reason I heard that song is because many people are in your shoes. My guides are saying, “This is a time of the planet for women to be in their power as men have been for many centuries. Yes, it causes clashes. The time has come for ~ Read the rest at Bellesprit Magazine

The Love Channel: Trust the Process of Your Love Relationship

Love channel BelleDear Pamela,

Fred and I have known each other in a roundabout way for years. We are supposed to finally get together for coffee soon. I know he is trying to get out of a “sticky” relationship that he has been in since 2012. He owns a business and has another part time job as well. I feel we are meant to be together finally this year. I am 55 years old and am a widow since 2002.

Thank you,

Dear Doris:

I immediately heard the Beatles sing, “We can work it out,” upon reading your question. I am now hearing the song lyrics, “It appears to be a long time,” and “Long and winding road.” My guides are adding, “The journey is long and hard, with boulders and rocks along the way.”

What all the above means is this relationship is not an overnight success. It took a long time just to meet for coffee and for some reason I feel lots of delays with that. I’m not sure if the delays are in the past or present. I just heard two Jim Morrison songs, “Take it easy baby, take it as it comes,” and “Let it roll, baby, roll.” When there are delays in… Read the rest at Bellesprit Magazine

In the Dreamtime: Romance, Time Travel Escape from Aliens, and Deceased Daughters Flowers


This month’ s column we take a journey into a romantic interlude, using time travel to escape aliens, and flowers from a deceased daughter.


I had a very romantic dream about a man I really like. We walked in a park hand in hand and then were transported into his bedroom. Along the length of one wall was a lot coal fire, flames were flickering. The opposite wall contained a window and outside it was a dark, stormy night with the sea waves crashing against the rocks outside. His bed was soft and warm like a marshmallow where we kissed. The dream was vivid and highly romantic emotionally.


Read the interpretation at Bellesprit Magazine