Excitement! Dream Manuscript is Now at Copy Editor

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I feel like I’m in the final trimester of pregnancy of my book just waiting to give birth. My copy editor has edited my three previous books on the subject of love and relationships; therefore, I’m anxious to hear her reaction of the dream book. I’m so grateful Patti was available because she is talented, honest yet gentle with her feedback, and most important of all – I trust her.

During this time, I’m not sitting idle why waiting for the return of my manuscript. I have done research on the process of ~ Read the rest at Pamela’s Dream Blog

How Dreams Guide Us along the Path of Life


This month the dreams have a spiritual theme to help the dreamers get in touch with what they truly desire, encourages them to pursue it, and to know they are never alone.


Here’s a dream interpretation for you. I opened the door to my apartment. On the ground are three things. One, I thought was a newspaper, but it’s a manual. White with a big orange/yellow box. No writing. On top of that is a black square, could be a box but I couldn’t tell. On top of the box is a key. The base of the key is round with a silver medallion in the center. Ornate. The key part was long and straight with three 3 ridges on it. I know it’s a symbol, but of what?


Thank you for this dream, I will give you a basic interpretation of this dream. You know… Read the rest at Bellesprit Magazine

The Show Must Go On

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True Psychic Networks is undergoing major change. The Love Channel Show radio show will now be with Goldylocks Productions at the same time Wednesdays 3pm Eastern. This Wednesday, my special guest is an animal communicator, Janet Roper.




Please join me live or listen in the archives. The call in number is 323-870-3791


Our Most Powerful Mother


Kwan Yin


Mother’s Day is celebrated on May 10th this month. Mothers are special people. Mothers give birth and raise children. They also put up with a lot of crap from their children. A mother’s love is so powerful. But the greatest of all mothers is the Goddess.

So what do I mean by the Goddess? My personal definition is the feminine side of the creator. Here is a Wikipedia definition – A goddess is a female deity. While they have been, are and may be associated with as wide a range of phenomena as male deities, including war, destruction and death as well as creation, life-giving, healing and compassion, they have more commonly been associated with the Earth, fertility, motherhood and love.

Many moons ago (over twenty years), I was investigating and studying different types of religion and spirituality. Back then, I had trouble with Western religion because it was so male dominated. It was hard for me to relate to God being so masculine because I was a woman. When I studied the Goddess that felt right to me and it was so much easier to relate to. Today my Higher Power is an aspect of God and the Goddess. I have angered people by saying, “God is a he-she.” But what God, the Creator, the Great I Am – really is to me is total Love and Light. I go to my Higher Power to be safe, loved, and accepted.

The Goddess has many aspects; just like a woman does. She is a child (maiden), mother, and wise woman (crone). The Goddess is very loving, kind, and compassionate. But she also has the mother instinct to protect her young and hell has no fury like a mother protecting her child. Although, the Goddess has many aspects and names, she is one. Just like God has many names.

The Goddess was worshipped long before a male God. When I learned about the Goddess, she helped me get in touch with my feminine side. She can do that for you whether you are a man or a woman because it is important for you to balance the male and female within.

The following is a quick summary of seven Goddesses:

Isis is my favorite Goddess and the one I resonate with the most. She was worshipped in Egypt. She is magic, love, family, sexuality, and keeper of the home.

Kwan Yin is a Chinese Goddess who chose to help humankind instead of becoming one with the creator. Her main role is compassion.

Lakshmi is a popular Goddess in India. You can call upon her to help you with financial problems because her specialty is abundance.

Bast is another Egyptian Goddess and is a cat. She is used for protection Goddess.

Brigit is a Celtic known as a protector and triple Goddess. The triple has many aspects and is not only used for the maiden, mother, and crone.

Aphrodite – is the Goddess of love known for her beauty and alluring sexuality. She was worshipped in Greece. The Romans called her Venus.

Kali is feared by some in India because she is known as the destroyer. But Kali represents the endings we must face in order to start a new.

All of the Goddess above has interesting stories and much more detail about what they represent. There are also many more Goddesses that represent the one Goddess. I encourage you to learn more about them. It is good to see how they are an aspect of you, whether you choose to worship them or not. I find some value in all religions, whether it is Western, Eastern, or the Goddess because I am an interfaith minister. You can take what resonates with you the most and leave the rest behind. The important thing is to harm none and treat all with respect.

All women have Brigit within them. Whether that is flesh, blood, and bones. Or the potential to be maiden, mother, and Crone. The majority of females have the compassion of Kwan Yin. In order for women to become mothers, they need to have beauty (within to radiate without) and be sexual, just like Aphrodite. Women yearn to become like Isis of their home and family. Ladies protect their loved ones with Bast attitude. We desire and create Lakshmi abundance in some form. All women have the fierceness of Kali and the ability to destroy. And we all have to end in order to begin again.

I honor the Goddess and Mother within you!

This article is from Off the Cuff Mays Issue

Free for the 1st Time ~ Valentine’s Gift


Do feel like you will always be single? Are you sick of bad dates and relationships? Bored and unsatisfied in your relationship? Psychic Wisdom on Love and Relationships is a unique eBook packed with wisdom for BIG relationships. Go inside the world of a psychic to see how the spirit world gives knowledge to transform your love life. This eBook will take you on the journey of self-love, boundaries, intuition, communication skills, and more.

If you believe in your heart that love waits for you, you’ll want to read this book. Simply put, Psychic Wisdom on Love and Relationships will get you there. – Patricia Frank, Author of Falling Through Time, a Woman’s Journey to the Future

Get your free gift in a PDF or use the Smashwords coupon to get it in the eReader format of your choice. 


Free eBook Book Trailer

Pamela’s Love Collection is Free at Smashwords, Barnes & Noble, iBooks, Kobo, & Google Play


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December 2014 – In the Dream Time


This month’s dream demonstrates how dreams can have several different styles to it. Environmental dreams happen when something happens before bedtime or while we’re sleeping. In solution dreams our denial or lack of time to deal with things in our waking hours comes out in our dreams. This style of dream will always reveal our true self and feelings regarding a circumstance. Prophetic dreams show the possibility of or written in stone future. Read on to see all these dream styles in this lady’s dream.


Following an argument with my wife regarding her unambitious adult daughter, whom she defends, I had a very vivid dream. In it, I had had enough and was trying to leave. Every time I tried, they tried to have me institutionalized. I finally broke away and found myself outside desperately trying to collect playing cards that were scattering around and fluttering away from me. The cards depicted two nude women on them, which I assume from tarot means the lovers, as we are lesbians. Please help!!! Read the answer in Bellesprit Magazine